Step 1
Watch the video directly below

3 Factors

That Prevent 6th-12th Graders

From Getting Into the Colleges They Deserve

even with good GPAs and SAT scores

Step 2

Book a College Audit & Planning Sessions


Before scheduling, you understand and agree to the following:

  1. These free consultations are NOT guaranteed to be available throughout the year (unfortunately, we cannot accommodate exceptions).
  2. Availabilities are based on Admissions Counselors’ availability and bandwidth.
  3. Due to the popularity of these free consultations, there is often a waitlist/1-3 week wait time before speaking to one of our Admissions Counselors. Therefore, all consultations are on a first come, first serve basis (thank you for your understanding).
  4. Additionally, due to high demand and limited availability of our College Consulting Program, we only have availability for 2,000 new U.S. based students.
  5. Once all spots are filled in our College Consulting Program, we will re-open enrollment in the following academic year. 
Step 3
Step 3 in webinar
Step 4
Come to your call and an expert College Audit and Planning Session!